Author: Thomas Christensen

We are excited to learn how the funds from last year’s kayak auction will be used . During the previous Risør Wooden Boat Festival, Martin Hauge and Risør Shipping bid NOK 25,000 for a beautifully crafted kayak (read about the acquisition here). The festival earmarked this amount for maritime activities for children and youth in…

In an ever-evolving maritime industry, staying ahead of the curve requires more than just state-of-the-art vessels and expert crews. It demands a vision for the future, a commitment to sustainable practices, and a drive for continuous innovation. At Risør Shipping, we’re proud to be at the forefront of these industry shifts, ensuring that our operations…

Nestled along the picturesque coast of Norway, the charming 300-year-old town of Risør holds a treasure trove of maritime heritage. With a history deeply intertwined with the sea, Risør boasts a legacy of seafaring traditions that have shaped the community and left an indelible mark on its identity. Join us as we delve into the…